Project manager – Aida Ilona Gružinskienė
Phone number +370 37 31 30 45
Development of internationality is one of the priorities of Kaunas technical vocational education centre. The school accomplishing activities of international cooperation and carrying out national, and international projects purposefully contributes to the improvement of teaching quality and infrastructure, promotes innovative vocational training, develops professional, general and cultural abilities and interests of its students.
Kaunas technical vocational education centre tries not only to attain new projects but also maintain productive and innovative relations which form strong net of international partners. Each year the school hosts groups of international students and teachers and has a great experience in organizing training placements and job shadowing activities.
Kaunas technical vocational education centre obtained an Erasmus+ VET Mobility Charter in 2017.
International partners
- Jelgavas technical school (Latvia)
- Vidzemes Tehnoloģiju un dizaina tehnikums (Latvia)
- Aizkraukle vocational school (Latvia)
- Profesionālās izglītības kompetences centrs „Rīgas Valsts tehnikums“ (Latvia)
- Ventspils tehnikums (Latvia)
- Rakvere vocational school (Estonia)
- Viljandi Vocational Training Centre (Estonia)
- EE-Võru County Vocational Training Centre (Estonia)
- Järvamaa kutsehariduskeskus (Estonia)
- Sovietsk college of technologies (Russia)
- Savo vocational college (Finland)
- South Savo Vocational College (Finland)
- Lansirannikon Koulutus Oy (Finland)
- Espoon Seudun Koulutuskuntayhtyma Omnia (Finland)
- SE-Björknäsgymnasiet vocational school (Sweden)
- Samarbeidsforum for Opplæringsvirksomheter innen Transport- og Logistikkfag I Norge (Norvegija)
- Syddansk college (Denmark)
- Køge Business College (Denmark)
- Peak Balance ApS (Denmark)
- Bury Park Educational Institute (United Kingdom)
- Bridgwater and Tounton college (United Kingdom)
- mboRijnland (Netherlands)
- Graafschap college (Netherlands)
- Elektrostrojarska obrtnicka skola (Croatia)
- Obrtna tehnicka skola (Croatia)
- Skola za cestovni promet (Croatia)
- Centro Formativo Provinciale G. Zanardelli (Italy)
- ENSINUS – Estudos Técnicos e Profissionais (Portugal)
- Tehnologic Aurel Vlaicu Logoj (Romania)
- Conseil Syndical National SN2D – Albertville (France)
- Lycee des métiers Roger Claustres (France)
- Lycée Urbain Vitry (France)
- Lycee Saint-Exupery (France)
- San Viator vocational learning centre (Spain)
- IK4-TEKNIKER (Spain)
- Association of automotive technical professors and secondary education of Galicia (Spain)
- Střední průmyslová škola Hranice (Czech Republic)
- Stredni odborna skola Luhacovice (Czech Republic)
- Stredni skola obchodu, sluzeb a remesel a Jazykova skola s pravem statni jazykove zkousky, Tabor, Bydlinskeho 2474 (Czech Republic)
- OSZ IMT – Oberstufenzentrum Informations- und Medizintechnik (Germany)
- Berufsbildende Schulen Oschersleben des Landkreises Börde – Europaschule (Germany)
- Zespol Szkol nr 2 w Lubartowie (Poland)
- Burhan Felek Anadolu Lisesi (Turkey)
- Fevziye Tezcan Mesleki ve Teknik Anadolu Lisesi (Turkey)